All Videos Available on YouTube

While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks| Luke 2:8-20

Acts of God | Revelation 6:12-17

Count It All Joy | Revelation 6:9-11

The Salvation of Israel Pt.6| Israel’s New Covenant

The Salvation of Israel Pt.5| The War of Gog and Magog

The Salvation of Israel Pt.4| Israel’s National Responsibility to Pacify Hamas

The Salvation of Israel Pt.3| The End of Anti-Semitism

The Salvation of Israel Pt.2| The Future of Anti-Semitism

Training for Reigning

The Salvation of Israel Pt.1| Romans 11:26

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Revelation 6:1-8

Arrogation of Ishmael| Genesis 21:8-21

Arrival of Isaac| Genesis 21:1-7

Abimelech Incident| Genesis 20:1-18

Abusing the Flesh| Genesis 19:30-38

Abolishing Sodom| Genesis 19:23-29

Abandoning Sodom| Genesis 19:12-22

Angels in Sodom| Genesis 19:1-11

Audit of Sodom’s Remnant| Genesis 18:22-33