Interlocked is a Bible doctrine class taught by Pastor E Dane Rogers. Join us in this Bible study-style class in which we work our way through the Scriptures. The 2025 session will focus on the flood.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Life in Anticipation of Christ’s Coming” from 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Remembering Rachel” from Genesis 30:14–24.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Interlocked is a Bible doctrine class taught by Pastor E Dane Rogers. Join us in this Bible study-style class in which we work our way through the Scriptures. The 2025 session will focus on the flood.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Guidance on Christian Conduct” from 1 Thessalonians 5:12–28.

Easter Breakfast
Join us for breakfast before our Resurrection Day service. The breakfast will be held downstairs, but space will be available upstairs for those with mobility issues.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers’ Resurrection Day message “The Passover Connection”.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “The Truth about the Second Coming” from 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Standing Firm in the Lord” from 2 Thessalonians 2:13–3:5.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Running from Laban” from Genesis 31:1–21.

AWANA Cubbies
We are so proud of all our Cubbies have accomplished this year! Please join us as they receive their awards.
Awards Night

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Idleness as Irresponsibility” from 2 Thessalonians 3:6–18.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Rivalry of Jacob & Laban” from Genesis 31:22–42.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Reconciliation at Gilead” from Genesis 31:43–55.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Relying on God” from Genesis 32:1–21.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Wrestling with God” from Genesis 32:22–32.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Reuniting with Esau” from Genesis 33:1–20.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Rape of Dinah” from Genesis 34:1–31.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Return to Bethel” from Genesis 35:1–8.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Renaming Jacob” from Genesis 35:9–15.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Rachel’s End” from Genesis 35:16–29.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Records of Edom” from Genesis 36:1–8.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Records of Esau” from Genesis 36:9–43.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us for our Summer Potluck. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Helping Hands Christmas Potluck
This month is our annual Christmas Potluck! Please bring a dish to share. We will enjoy games, caroling, and hear an update from a ministry we support. Hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Jacob’s Children” from Genesis 29:31–30:13.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Assurance of Christian Immorality” from 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Jacob’s Marriage” from Genesis 29:15–30.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “A Life Pleasing to God” from 1 Thessalonians 4:1–12.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Interlocked is a Bible doctrine class taught by Pastor E Dane Rogers. Join us in this Bible study-style class in which we work our way through the Scriptures. The 2025 session will focus on the flood.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Jacob Arrives in Haran” from Genesis 29:1–14.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Hope for Another Visit” from 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:13.

Helping Hands
Ladies, please join us as we work on projects to send to Tandala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. We have a great time of fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Jacob Receives the Covenant” from Genesis 28:10–22.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Memories of Paul’s Visit” from 1 Thessalonians 2:1–16.

Men's Breakfast
All men are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and a Bible study.

Interlocked is a Bible doctrine class taught by Pastor E Dane Rogers. Join us in this Bible study-style class in which we work our way through the Scriptures. The 2025 session will focus on the flood.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Burden of Esau” from Genesis 28:1–9.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Praise for the Thessalonians” from 1 Thessalonians 1.

Interlocked is a Bible doctrine class taught by Pastor E Dane Rogers. Join us in this Bible study-style class in which we work our way through the Scriptures. The 2025 session will focus on the flood.

Crafters’ Corner
Ladies, join us for a time of fellowship. Bring a project to work on, or just come to enjoy each other’s company.

Worship Service
Come and hear Pastor E Dane Rogers speak on “Blessing Esau” from Genesis 27:30–46.

Adult Bible Study
Join us as we study “Jacob and Joseph Say Their Last Words” from Genesis 47–50.