All Videos Available on YouTube

Humility & Fellowship | Third John 9-15

Happiness & Fellowship | Third John 1-8

Protecting Truth & Love | Second John 7-13

Practicing Truth & Love | Second John 1-6

The Message of First John | First John 5:18-21

Confidence of Eternal Life | First John 5:13-17

The Testimony | First John 5:5-13

Faith is Victorious | First John 5:1-4

Love is Fearless | First John 4:15-21

God is Love | First John 4:7-14

Test the Spirits | First John 4:1-6

Abiding & Assuring | First John 3:19-24

Amity & Action | First John 3:10-18

Activity & Abiding | First John 3:4-10a

Anticipating & Appearing | First John 2:26 - 3:3

Antichrist and Anointing Pt. 2 | First John 2:21-25

Antichrist and Anointing Pt. 1 | First John 2:18-20

Worldly Love | First John 2:14-17

Spiritual Maturity | First John 2:9-13